Gu Wanfeng, Deputy Minister of 煙服the United Front Work Depa員月rtment of the Jiangsu Pro術子vincial Party Committee and Secr快土etary of the Party Group of 嗎妹the Provincial Federation of坐朋 Industry and Commerce, led a r山說esearch team led by the Pro頻人vincial Federation of Ind器能ustry and Commerce to investigate the內醫 Changzhou Industrial化城 Park of Xinlun New Mat黃近erials

2023.02.14 Source:Xinl市窗un

At around 9:25 am on February 我山14th, Gu Wanfeng, Deputy月費 Minister of the United Front Work公黑 Department of the J都樹iangsu Provincial Par放小ty Committee and Secretary of the 上長Party Group of the Provincial Fed科上eration of Industry and Commerce, vis地慢ited the Changzhou Industrial Park fo樹務r inspection and research. Li Hongli地鐵ang, President of Xinlun New Materi遠街als, and Shi Dongyi, Vice Preside購用nt, warmly welcomed 小些the Changzhou Industrial Park ma關用nagement team.



Secretary Gu Wanfeng a舞身nd his delegation first visited the m視木anufacturing factories of new energy m河也aterials and optoelectronic displ算書ay materials. During the visit, t時東hey occasionally communica海裡ted with the technical and management道朋 personnel of the enterp國家rise to gain a detailed unde紙月rstanding of industry development謝低, enterprise develop都土ment, production opera光跳tions, technological innovatio能地n, and other situations. T草林hey expressed their appreciation山是 for the achievements of t月海he enterprise.


After the visit, both the host and gu頻紙est organized a discussion and exchang下討e. President Li Hongliang introduced t腦話he overall situation of the e她去nterprise, and Secretary路外 Gu Wanfeng had a detailed unders年長tanding of the difficulties and藍麗 problems encountered by the enterpr通火ise in its development process吃道. He instructed relevant depart時數ments to actively hel不數p the enterprise solve its de討器velopment problems, encouraged enterpri車這ses to increase talent and scientifi店分c research investment, focused on th作冷e cutting-edge direction of the new ma畫做terials field, and carried 河地out innovative research a們厭nd development around the upstre雜訊am and downstream high-end 身鐵industrial chain, enhance th數銀e competitive advantage of 生書the product market an國我d continuously strive for excellence件門 and strength in the好黑 industry.


Li De, the leader of the Discipline Ins玩友pection and Supervision Group st習道ationed in the United F開朋ront Work Department of the Provinci票信al Commission for Discipline Inspecti下外on and Supervision, Yang Fen, a 亮購member of the Standing Commi慢機ttee of the Changzhou Munici靜舞pal Committee and Minister of the Un場海ited Front Work Department, an站時d Xu Zhijun, a member of購區 the Party Group and Secretary Genera月道l of the Provincial Fede公照ration of Industry and Commerc業那e, accompanied the research.